President Bush delivers his State of the Union address tonight to an American public that has become broadly dissatisfied with his domestic agenda, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
We at, hoping to promote January 2004 as "US Government Abuses Awareness Month" are sponsoring a "Guess How Many Lies in Bush's State of the Union Speech" Competition.
Last year's winner, Joe Wilson, has yet to claim the previous offered Whistleass prize of "unspecified quantities of African Yellow-Cakes" with "Your-name-on-em" patriotic icing imported from the UK.
THE COMPETITION (official rules and regulations):
1) Watch Bush deliver his State of the Union address tonight, January 20, 2004.
2) Each time President Bush "lies" or is "technically truthful but is still misleading" make a note of it. Keep tally with a pen and paper or by counting the number of hairs you pull out of your head during the State of the Union address. (please note: "pre" or "post" -address network media coverage should not be confused with actual address itself which would certainly make your number greater>)
3) Total the amount of lies and circle the number. Then, look at it and shake your head in disbelief.
4) Submit your guess w/any additional comments into "comments" link immediately below this entry.
5) As "lies" or "exaggerations/misleads" are proven or uncovered in the next year(s), a list of those lies and those who pointed them out right away will be noted.
6) Winner(s) may receive possible seating at War-Crimes Tribunal or Impeachment proceedings of any Bush Administration Official or pawn.
7) Restrictions: Last year we received many submissions from the White House itself and this conflict of interest must be addressed...
To: Condi Rice and Karl Rove,
Youre submitted numbers guessing the lies and exaggerations in last year's competition were identical, leading us only to conclude that the two of you ARE working together, and because so much still remains to be proven OR disproven, neither of you are allowed to vote this year. We also discourage other White House Staff or Cabinet Members with possible insider-info from submitting their entries without using an alias.
* Editor's Note: We are limiting the number of lies George "Whistleass" Bush can be held accountable for to "6 lies per/minute" or "1 lie per/10 seconds." EXAMPLE: if the State of the Union address runs 50 minutes, the maximum amount of lies you can guess is 300 (math= 50 minutes x 6 Lies per/minute= 300 Lies total).
Good Luck & may the most patriotic citizen(s) win.