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Bob Levy
Aragance of our leaders is shocking.All one has to do is look a Rumsfeld's wining and condicending remarks to congress to see how he feels about the democratic system.To him it is just another "pain in the ass".But let's look at the other players in the circus of dangerous clowns. John Ashcroft-He is an AG that would rather go after the weak than the politicaly powerful.Case in point,Kenny Lay of Enron.While he is still running around the streets of Houston the AG is concerned about covering up Lady Justice because of her bare brests.Oh yes,Bush's nick name for the biggest commercial con artist of all all time, "Kenny Boy". Ashcroft would rather pander to the religous nut cakes of this country of witch he is one. Wolfowitz/Kristol Cabal-These two and Rumsfeld over a period for 10 years wrote,America In The 21st Century.This is and still is the blueprint for the Bush policy.But as anyone will tell you if you try to carry out a policy baced on strickly theory it is doomed to failure,you be the judge? Another member of this little groupe of political "band of theives" was Richard Pearle. Mr Pearle was told to leave the government because I think he was involved in war profitteering.He tried to sue the individuel in Britten.I don't believe he got to first bace with it.Now relagated to second class duty as second had guest on talk shows.He now sit's in make-up rooms waiting to go on rather than in the halls of power. One thing is for sure that George Bush has tossed mor BS than one can find in the whole State Of Texas. We all know who NOT to vote for in November.Let retire GW to a life on the ranch and take our country BACK! Note:Kristol was a one time mouth peace for Dan Quale (remember him) and now writes for the Washington Times (rite wing paper I beleive. Wolfowitz-A sometime advisor in the past to the militery on politics.Another theorist who after an unfortunate incedent in Bagdad beat it back to DC as fast as that C135 could get him their.He had his little lesson on theory vs.reality,it does not seem it took. Chaine-When asked if he voted in the past,he said he had ...."other things to do".Great spokesman for freedom don't you think? Covers for a meeting with energy big wigs,could our friend Kenny Boy been their,hmmmmm.
Bob Levy
Aragance of our leaders is shocking.All one has to do is look a Rumsfeld's wining and condicending remarks to congress to see how he feels about the democratic system.To him it is just another "pain in the ass".But let's look at the other players in the circus of dangerous clowns. John Ashcroft-He is an AG that would rather go after the weak than the politicaly powerful.Case in point,Kenny Lay of Enron.While he is still running around the streets of Houston the AG is concerned about covering up Lady Justice because of her bare brests.Oh yes,Bush's nick name for the biggest commercial con artist of all all time, "Kenny Boy". Ashcroft would rather pander to the religous nut cakes of this country of witch he is one. Wolfowitz/Kristol Cabal-These two and Rumsfeld over a period for 10 years wrote,America In The 21st Century.This is and still is the blueprint for the Bush policy.But as anyone will tell you if you try to carry out a policy baced on strickly theory it is doomed to failure,you be the judge? Another member of this little groupe of political "band of theives" was Richard Pearle. Mr Pearle was told to leave the government because I think he was involved in war profitteering.He tried to sue the individuel in Britten.I don't believe he got to first bace with it.Now relagated to second class duty as second had guest on talk shows.He now sit's in make-up rooms waiting to go on rather than in the halls of power. One thing is for sure that George Bush has tossed mor BS than one can find in the whole State Of Texas. We all know who NOT to vote for in November.Let retire GW to a life on the ranch and take our country BACK! Note:Kristol was a one time mouth peace for Dan Quale (remember him) and now writes for the Washington Times (rite wing paper I beleive. Wolfowitz-A sometime advisor in the past to the militery on politics.Another theorist who after an unfortunate incedent in Bagdad beat it back to DC as fast as that C135 could get him their.He had his little lesson on theory vs.reality,it does not seem it took. Chaine-When asked if he voted in the past,he said he had ...."other things to do".Great spokesman for freedom don't you think? Covers for a meeting with energy big wigs,could our friend Kenny Boy been their,hmmmmm.
Bob Levy
Aragance of our leaders is shocking.All one has to do is look a Rumsfeld's wining and condicending remarks to congress to see how he feels about the democratic system.To him it is just another "pain in the ass".But let's look at the other players in the circus of dangerous clowns. John Ashcroft-He is an AG that would rather go after the weak than the politicaly powerful.Case in point,Kenny Lay of Enron.While he is still running around the streets of Houston the AG is concerned about covering up Lady Justice because of her bare brests.Oh yes,Bush's nick name for the biggest commercial con artist of all all time, "Kenny Boy". Ashcroft would rather pander to the religous nut cakes of this country of witch he is one. Wolfowitz/Kristol Cabal-These two and Rumsfeld over a period for 10 years wrote,America In The 21st Century.This is and still is the blueprint for the Bush policy.But as anyone will tell you if you try to carry out a policy baced on strickly theory it is doomed to failure,you be the judge? Another member of this little groupe of political "band of theives" was Richard Pearle. Mr Pearle was told to leave the government because I think he was involved in war profitteering.He tried to sue the individuel in Britten.I don't believe he got to first bace with it.Now relagated to second class duty as second had guest on talk shows.He now sit's in make-up rooms waiting to go on rather than in the halls of power. One thing is for sure that George Bush has tossed mor BS than one can find in the whole State Of Texas. We all know who NOT to vote for in November.Let retire GW to a life on the ranch and take our country BACK! Note:Kristol was a one time mouth peace for Dan Quale (remember him) and now writes for the Washington Times (rite wing paper I beleive. Wolfowitz-A sometime advisor in the past to the militery on politics.Another theorist who after an unfortunate incedent in Bagdad beat it back to DC as fast as that C135 could get him their.He had his little lesson on theory vs.reality,it does not seem it took. Chaine-When asked if he voted in the past,he said he had ...."other things to do".Great spokesman for freedom don't you think? Covers for a meeting with energy big wigs,could our friend Kenny Boy been their,hmmmmm.
Bob Levy
Aragance of our leaders is shocking.All one has to do is look a Rumsfeld's wining and condicending remarks to congress to see how he feels about the democratic system.To him it is just another "pain in the ass".But let's look at the other players in the circus of dangerous clowns. John Ashcroft-He is an AG that would rather go after the weak than the politicaly powerful.Case in point,Kenny Lay of Enron.While he is still running around the streets of Houston the AG is concerned about covering up Lady Justice because of her bare brests.Oh yes,Bush's nick name for the biggest commercial con artist of all all time, "Kenny Boy". Ashcroft would rather pander to the religous nut cakes of this country of witch he is one. Wolfowitz/Kristol Cabal-These two and Rumsfeld over a period for 10 years wrote,America In The 21st Century.This is and still is the blueprint for the Bush policy.But as anyone will tell you if you try to carry out a policy baced on strickly theory it is doomed to failure,you be the judge? Another member of this little groupe of political "band of theives" was Richard Pearle. Mr Pearle was told to leave the government because I think he was involved in war profitteering.He tried to sue the individuel in Britten.I don't believe he got to first bace with it.Now relagated to second class duty as second had guest on talk shows.He now sit's in make-up rooms waiting to go on rather than in the halls of power. One thing is for sure that George Bush has tossed mor BS than one can find in the whole State Of Texas. We all know who NOT to vote for in November.Let retire GW to a life on the ranch and take our country BACK! Note:Kristol was a one time mouth peace for Dan Quale (remember him) and now writes for the Washington Times (rite wing paper I beleive. Wolfowitz-A sometime advisor in the past to the militery on politics.Another theorist who after an unfortunate incedent in Bagdad beat it back to DC as fast as that C135 could get him their.He had his little lesson on theory vs.reality,it does not seem it took. Chaine-When asked if he voted in the past,he said he had ...."other things to do".Great spokesman for freedom don't you think? Covers for a meeting with energy big wigs,could our friend Kenny Boy been their,hmmmmm.
Bob Levy
Aragance of our leaders is shocking.All one has to do is look a Rumsfeld's wining and condicending remarks to congress to see how he feels about the democratic system.To him it is just another "pain in the ass".But let's look at the other players in the circus of dangerous clowns. John Ashcroft-He is an AG that would rather go after the weak than the politicaly powerful.Case in point,Kenny Lay of Enron.While he is still running around the streets of Houston the AG is concerned about covering up Lady Justice because of her bare brests.Oh yes,Bush's nick name for the biggest commercial con artist of all all time, "Kenny Boy". Ashcroft would rather pander to the religous nut cakes of this country of witch he is one. Wolfowitz/Kristol Cabal-These two and Rumsfeld over a period for 10 years wrote,America In The 21st Century.This is and still is the blueprint for the Bush policy.But as anyone will tell you if you try to carry out a policy baced on strickly theory it is doomed to failure,you be the judge? Another member of this little groupe of political "band of theives" was Richard Pearle. Mr Pearle was told to leave the government because I think he was involved in war profitteering.He tried to sue the individuel in Britten.I don't believe he got to first bace with it.Now relagated to second class duty as second had guest on talk shows.He now sit's in make-up rooms waiting to go on rather than in the halls of power. One thing is for sure that George Bush has tossed mor BS than one can find in the whole State Of Texas. We all know who NOT to vote for in November.Let retire GW to a life on the ranch and take our country BACK! Note:Kristol was a one time mouth peace for Dan Quale (remember him) and now writes for the Washington Times (rite wing paper I beleive. Wolfowitz-A sometime advisor in the past to the militery on politics.Another theorist who after an unfortunate incedent in Bagdad beat it back to DC as fast as that C135 could get him their.He had his little lesson on theory vs.reality,it does not seem it took. Chaine-When asked if he voted in the past,he said he had ...."other things to do".Great spokesman for freedom don't you think? Covers for a meeting with energy big wigs,could our friend Kenny Boy been their,hmmmmm.

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